White Rice Flour Nutrition Facts

It is always a right choice if you choose rice flour to replace wheat flour. Wheat flour can cause irritation in the digestion for people who have the intolerance to gluten. Gluten itself is a collection of proteins contained in flour. Below are white rice flour nutrition facts that you should know!

White Rice Flour Nutrition Facts

One of white rice flour nutrition facts is that wheat flour comes from the grain of wheat. Usually, flour is widely used as food. Unfortunately, because of the gluten content in it, people who are experiencing gluten intolerance need to find a replacement for this flour. One that can be selected is rice flour. Rice flour is a flour made of rice with a grinding process. This powder can be utilized into a variety of delicious food preparations, such as rice porridge for baby and snack of rice flour.

Rice flour is touted as food that has something to do with celiac disease. This disease is an autoimmune disease in the gastrointestinal tract where a diet containing gluten can damage the lining of the small intestine. That way, gluten consumption risks raises food absorption disorders. Therefore, patients are advised to avoid gluten.

In addition to wheat flour, other foods that need to be avoided because of the gluten content are rye and barley. Rice flour can be an option to replace these ingredients. Also, potato starch flour, soy flour, tapioca flour, and cornstarch can also be selected.

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How to Make Rice Flour

  1.  Prepare one to four cup rice flour.
  2. Use a blender to grind them until it becomes flour.
  3. Use rice flour as the ingredient for recipes, especially gluten-free recipes.
  4. If there are remaining unused rice flour, store in an airtight container to avoid moldiness. You can also store it in the freezer and still use an airtight container.

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