Whats the relationship between Wheatgrass And Cancer

Wheatgrass is a term used to refer to young plants belonging to the genus Agropyron, which are somewhat related to wheat but look more like grass during the early stages. Wheatgrass is very popular as a dietary supplement, and it comes in a variety of forms, including capsules, tablets, juices, liquid extracts and powder. Because it is very easy to juice, wheatgrass is often consumed as a standalone drink or added to teas and smoothies to reduce the somewhat grassy taste, which some people have difficulty tolerating.

Whats the relationship between Wheatgrass And Cancer

Although scientists believe that wheatgrass is no miracle medicine because of the scarcity of data to back its claims, proponents of wheatgrass swear by the incredible health benefits it offers, including its role in boosting the immune system, digestive detoxification, its potential healing effects against cancer, diabetes, anemia, constipation, joint pain, skin conditions, infections, and many other diseases. A medical test conducted in Israel in 2002, although very small, indicated that regular consumption of wheatgrass juice reduced the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, or inflammation of the colon, which consequently disproved what some experts believe to be unfounded benefit claims.

Wheatgrass Composition

Wheatgrass and cancer are now fast becoming closely associated with each other inasmuch as wheatgrass contains chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants responsible for the absorption of light for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis, as elementary science points out, is the process by which green plants use sunlight to make food from carbon dioxide and water.

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The byproduct of which is oxygen. Although still somewhat sketchy, research also has proven the existence of cellular and chemical benefits in oxygen therapy, another alternative way of battling cancer, further solidifying the role of wheatgrass in fighting cancer cells. Wheatgrass and cancer, as anecdotal evidence have pointed out, have been so often used in the same breath because wheatgrass helps reduce the negative effects of chemotherapy in breast cancer patients, particularly the tendency to influence red blood cell production in the bone marrow.

Wheatgrass Consumption During Chemotherapy

A study showed that drinking 60 milliliters of wheatgrass juice daily during chemotherapy reduced this side affect without altering the efficacy of the chemotherapy treatment. As well, chlorophyll in wheatgrass is perceived to have the same molecular structure as hemoglobin, providing more oxygen to stifle the growth and rapid spread of cancer cells. Wheatgrass also contains selenium and laetrile, which are both anticancer elements. Furthermore, wheatgrass is one of the most alkaline foods known to the human race. Acidic foods abound everywhere, so that in order to maintain the ph balance within the body, alkaline foods should be consumed in large quantities.

Aside from chlorophyll, wheatgrass is rich in a number of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber, making it the number one food supplement in the market today. Wheatgrass and cancer will be two things science and wheatgrass proponents may not agree on until science finds the evidence it needs to once and for all accept wheatgrass for what it truly is. But one thing is sure, whether scientists and medical experts believe it or not, wheatgrass and cancer will be battling each other to the finish. And as is always in the battle between good and evil, the good prevail. The war is on, between Wheatgrass And Cancer.

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