Benefits of Eating Blueberries for Arthritis Pain

You may have seen it in a movie, on a television commercial, or heard it at your grandparent’s house at some point; someone complaining of their arthritis pain. If you aren’t suffering from the painful swelling, inflammation, and joint pain yourself, it can be difficult to understand just how debilitating arthritis can actually be.

The disease is the largest reason for disability for adult age individuals in the United States according to studies. There is an estimate that more than 78 million people will be diagnosed with the condition by the year 2040, showing that the problem is a lot more prevalent than what you might think.

Treatment options for patients with arthritis vary from medication and surgery to more natural choices. With the number of people choosing non-conventional, holistic care for their arthritis and other health conditions, it’s no surprise that the idea of the foods you eat have come into focus. What you put into your body has a significant effect on the way you function. It has been determined blueberries help some people deal with their arthritic symptoms. Find out more about what they do and how they can help ease arthritis pain.

Blueberries are Beneficial for Arthritis Pain

Taking a strong painkiller for chronic arthritis pain isn’t going to work like it would for a more acute situation. Pharmaceuticals are for short-term relief, and arthritis is a long-term problem. The pain from arthritis is caused by a plethora of factors including your body signaling to you that something is wrong; mainly, the joints are inflamed. There are other contributors as well including:

  • Damaged joint tissue from wear and tear
  • Fatigue that makes the pain seem worse
  • Strained muscles that have been overworking trying to protect the problem joints
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So the question remains, what are blueberries going to do to help the situation? Blueberries are considered to be a superfood of sorts because of their ability to lower cholesterol, ease digestive problems, and boost your brain powers. Aside from that, they are loaded with antioxidants. There has been no clear-cut scientific evidence found as to what those antioxidants are doing other than reducing the inflammation that is causing the discomfort.

Inside your body, free radicals can appear and start destroying healthy cells, or attacking the joints. That’s what leads to an arthritis diagnosis. It is believed that blueberries have the antioxidants in them that can go in and destroy the free radicals, preventing any further damages.

Enjoying Your Blueberry Intake to Ease Arthritis Pain

Blueberries might not be your favorite food, but you should try and incorporate a serving into your daily meal plan if you want to take advantage of the benefits. It might just be worth it to swallow up an 84 calorie cup-size portion. It may even be a taste that you can acquire and grow to love. You don’t have to eat them just fresh and raw either. You can try them in any of the following ways:

  • Smoothies
  • On waffles instead of syrup
  • Fresh fruit salsa
  • In oatmeal
  • With yogurt
  • Mixed with other berries

If you can’t get past the taste or texture of your blueberry superfood option, there are thankfully other fruits that you can eat instead that will give you similar benefits.

Other Fruits Good for Arthritis

Fruits can give you the sweetness you are craving, but with the health benefits that you need. You might wonder at some point, are strawberries bad for arthritis? The answer is NO! All kinds of berries including strawberries are beneficial to ease pain because of their antioxidative properties. Some of the other fruits to choose from when you want to skip the blueberries for a day or two includes:

  • Grapes
  • Watermelon
  • Avocado
  • Red Raspberries
  • Tart Cherries
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These fruits offer a variety of health benefits beyond just being anti-inflammatory. While you are getting relief for your arthritis, you are also feeding your body the fuel it wants and needs for better overall health and well-being.

Foods to Avoid with Arthritis Condition

So you know what foods you should be eating, but it’s also important to know what foods to avoid. You don’t want to be counterproductive by eating one thing that’s taking down your inflammation while also consuming something else that is making it worse.

Processed and Fried Foods

It’s no secret that processed and fried foods are bad for you. However, researchers actually discovered that with limitation or elimination of these foods from your diet, you can not only reduce your inflammation, but they can also work to restore the natural defenses of your body.

Refined Carbs and Sugars

Refined carbs and sugars that are found in candy, baked goods with white flour, soda, and processed foods lead to inflammation. Cut them out to reduce your AGEs or advanced glycation end product. AGEs are toxic and can turn into arthritis or various other types of inflammation problems.

Dairy Proteins

The protein found in some dairy products can negatively impact the tissue around your joints leading to irritation and swelling. Some people that have switched to completely vegan diets have reported success with the reduction in arthritic symptoms.

Alcohol and Tobacco

Tobacco has absolutely no health benefits, and there is still research being done on whether or not there are any reasons to consume alcohol, even in small amounts. That being said, these two things should be completely cut out of your life.

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People who smoke have a greater chance of getting rheumatoid arthritis to start with, and people that drink are at risk for gout. If you can’t quit completely, cut back as much as you can. As a result, your sleep will improve, you can start eating healthier, and you will watch your lifestyle habits improve which will be beneficial to your arthritic pain and other symptoms.

Preservatives and Sodium

Preservatives and salt are found in an abundance of foods and beverages. Companies have increased them in order to extend the shelf life of their products. Unfortunately for people suffering from arthritis, these salts and other chemicals can lead to an increase in joint pain and inflammation.

Make sure you are reading your labels and making healthy food choices if you want to be able to naturally manage your arthritis. While there is no cure for the disease, you can live as comfortably as possible as long as you take care of yourself and your symptoms.