Why Raspberries Nutrition Facts Will Make You Question Everything

Delicious and spicy, bright red berry raspberry cultivated a very popular worldwide. Although fresh raspberries are available only for a very short season. They freeze well and can buy frozen. Raspberries nutrition facts are a great source of nutrients that have so much health benefits in it.

They are surprisingly versatile and can be use to make a wide variety of desserts, cakes, muffins and several other baked goods.

In this article the data on raspberries nutrition facts and health benefits are summarized raspberries provides a comparison with other common berries.

Raspberries Nutrition Facts

  • They are generally Low in saturated fat and calories A serving of 100 g of fresh raspberries nutrition facts contains only 52 calories, which is the same as the same weight of the block, but less than in avocado or mango.
  • Raspberries nutrition facts are a delicious source of dietary fiber provide 6.5 g of fiber per 100 g, which is about 20% of the recommend daily amount. They have more fiber than other berries and twice that of blueberries, strawberries and kiwi.
  • Raspberries have significantly High levels of anticoxidants and phytochemicals The Absorbance Capacity Oxygen Radical ( ORAC value), which is a measure of the antioxidant capacity is about 4,900 per 100 grams of raspberries nutrition facts , which is very high for similar fruits.
  • Natural sugar substitute Xylitol is extract from raspberries nutrition facts. A teaspoon of xylitol only has about 10 9 calories compared with a teaspoon of sugar has 15 calories.
  • Fresh raspberries nutrition facts are a good source of Vitamin C. With a portion of 100 g provides 26 mg of vitamin C (almost 50% of the recommended daily allowance). However strawberries, blackberries and kiwi fruit all have higher levels of vitamin C.
  • Raspberries have the highest level of Vitamin E Of all the fruits listed in the table. And good levels of vitamin K.
  • Raspberries are an excellent source of vitamin B-group S, and have moderate levels of folic acid.
  • Raspberries nutrition facts are a good source of many minerals potassium, copper, manganese, magnesium and iron.
  • They have very low levels of fat levels and contain no cholesterol .
  • While protein levels are low? raspberries nutrition facts are comparable with other berries.
  • Carbohydrate levels are moderate compared to other berries.
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