What Wikipedia Can’t Tell You About Egg Nutrition Facts

Egg nutrition facts are what you need to know if you are making eating plans for healthy life and weight loss. You might have heard that egg is rich in protein. But then is that it? Well, some fishes are also rich in protein. What else more special in egg? The egg is produced by some female animals whether fish, reptiles or amphibian. The most common consumed egg nutrition facts is chicken egg, because it is the easiest one to find followed by duck and roe as well as caviar.

Some people who are on the protein diet might consume egg a lot more than other people. Well, it makes sense because egg nutrition facts can keep you full between meals. But, the question is? Is the diet by the instructions of expert (doctor or dietitian) or not? Do not straightly swallow all any information about diet program. You need to chew it slowly and if necessary, refine it well by seeing your personal dietitian before applying certain kind of diet.

Egg Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Fat and cholesterol in egg nutrition facts as well as its relation with the type 2 diabetes

Please note that most of calorie from egg nutrition facts comes from the yolk which is also rich in fat. If you are in a kind of low cholesterol diet, it is suggested that you limit your egg consumption. Some study show that having one egg (maximum) daily does not increase the risk of heart disease. However, there is still a debate on the egg yolk whether or not it affects the height of cholesterol if consuming it regularly. Another related debate shows up, does egg nutrition facts consumption have something to do with diabetes type 2?

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There some studies that produce different opinion and results. A study in 1992 until 2007 showed that consuming many egg nutrition facts increases the chance of having type 2 diabetes. But, another study in 2010 stated that there is no relation at all between consuming egg nutrition facts with the increasing risk of type 2 diabetes. But then, in 2013, an analysis shows that having 3 to 4 egg nutrition facts every week in a certain diet adding up 29% risk of type 2 diabetes. So, which one is true? This is when you should meet your doctor or dietitian to consult it or reading more reference on the subject.

Egg Nutrition Facts

Let’s drop the debates on egg consumption in relation to a certain disease. Now, let’s learn more about facts of one egg nutrition facts. Egg can substitute meat because of its high quality protein. Besides inexpensive, egg is also nutritious. You may serve the egg alone or cook and combine it in one recipe. Please note that an egg nutrition facts is has the same amount of protein like in red meat.

So, be careful when combining egg nutrition facts with other foods. You might get too much or less of protein if you don’t know well each food content. Having a diet instructor can be a good idea, so that you will know exactly how much protein you should take while learning more of egg nutrition facts.