Health Benefits And Coffee Nutrition Facts

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, with over 2.25 billion cups consumed every day. It is believed that coffee was first discovered on the Arabian Peninsula as early as the fifteenth century and from there made its way around the world. Coffee nutrition facts indicate that coffee’s popularity may be a very good thing because drinking coffee has some very positive benefits. Coffee seems to be good for more than just that morning jolt of energy so many of us are accustomed to.

Health Benefits And Coffee Nutrition Facts

Research studies have shown that coffee is incredibly rich in antioxidants. In fact, Americans, who are the number one consumers of coffee in the world, get more antioxidants from coffee than from any other food or beverage. That is quite a statement considering how many other foods and beverages contain antioxidants including blueberries, potatoes, and artichokes.

Coffee can also reduce an individual’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Recent scientific research with several different populations of individuals showed a lower risk with higher consumption of coffee. Consuming three to four cups of coffee each day resulted in an approximately 25% decreased of developing type 2 diabetes and with every additional cup of coffee consumed the risk lowered an additional five to ten percent. The researchers felt that the cause of the effect was most likely not the caffeine, but was instead the antioxidants such as trigonelline and cholorgenic acid.

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Health Benefits of Coffee Nutrition Facts

Another health benefit associated with coffee nutrition facts is coffee’s ability to help prevent Alzheimer’s disease as well as Parkinson’s disease. Two studies demonstrated that men and women who consumed three to five cups of coffee each day were sixty-five percent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease 20 years later. Other studies have shown that regular coffee drinkers are up to eighty percent less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease.

The reason once again seems to be coffee’s rich antioxidants.

Antioxidants eliminate free radicals that damage our body’s cells. When the body’s cells are damaged they can’t use oxygen. Oxygen produces free radicals, so when our body’s cells can’t use the oxygen, there’s too much of it in our body. Antioxidants are the warriors in the war against free radicals. Eliminating free radicals keeps our cells healthy and using oxygen which keeps the oxygen levels in our bodies at a good level. Coffee is one of the richest substances in antioxidants there is.

The caveat concerning coffee and its benefits in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease is that it should be consumed in a certain way to be the most effective.

How To Drink Coffee

Drink the coffee black. Coffee has more health benefits if there is nothing else in it. It may be hard, but try it plain.

Drink it early in the day. For most people, drinking coffee later in the day will keep them up at night. This is because of the caffeine.

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Drink is as fresh as possible. This maximizes the taste and prevents a loss of nutrients and oxidation. Coffee is also best when freshly ground.

Drink in moderation. Yes, the research says 5 or more cups per day, but pay attention to the body’s reactions. Coffee can cause digestive problems, insomnia or jitters if too much is consumed and everyone is different. Don’t drink it without consulting with a doctor if pregnant or on certain medications.

The coffee nutrition facts are very positive and drinking coffee can be very beneficial. Coffee is popular all over the world for good reason, providing not only health benefits, but great taste as well.

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