How Many Calories in a Banana

Do you know the banana? It is a delicious fruit that you can easily find around your house, especially for the country that has a tropical climate. The banana tree is easily to grow and it is also easily to produce a fruit. The fruit that has the sweet taste is good for our body. It contains the substance that is needed for our health. It also contains the calories for our body if we eat it. But, do you know how many calories in banana? It is important to know the calories in the food that you will eat, including the banana. So, if you do not know how many calories in banana, you have to get the nutrition facts information about how many calories in banana.

How Many Calories in a Banana

You can find how many calories in banana from some sources. You try to get the information from the book or the magazine. But, if you do not have enough time to find the book or magazine, you can search the information about how many calories in banana from the internet. There are many articles that show the substance that the banana has, including how many calories in banana. Actually, the calories in a banana and the others banana are different. Each of the banana has the own calories because the size of the banana are different. The biggest banana has many calories than the medium and the small banana. But, for the some cases, you can find the same calories in some bananas because they have the size that is merely the same.

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If you really want to know the calories in the banana nutrition facts, you can predict how many calories in banana by yourself. For the small banana, they usually have the calories for about 75 calories. And for the medium banana, you can get the calories for about 90 calories. Then, for the big bananas, it can contain 120 calories or more. So, the size of the banana determines how many calories in banana. After you know the calories that are in the banana, you can decide how many bananas that you will eat. Banana is good for your body, but if you eat too many bananas, it will be bad for your health. So, whether the banana has the sweet taste, you can eat the banana as your body need. It is only need to complete the calories in your body and you can manage the banana that you will eat wisely.

Calories in a Banana

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