Answering How Many Calories in Lettuce

For answering ‘how many calories in lettuce’, you need to take a look at the type of lettuce you are considering. Apart from the type, weight is another important factor that can influence the total calories in lettuce, along with other nutritional benefits. In order to answer this question as accurately as possible, we are going to lay some ground rules. The first rule is that we are going to take a serving size of approximately 100 grams. This serving size would be compared across two variants of lettuce, romaine and iceberg. Through this method, we are going to find the answer to how many calories in lettuce easily.

Estimating Calories in a Lettuce

For estimating calories in a lettuce, we are going to follow the ground rules mentioned above. First, let’s take a look at the calories in iceberg lettuce. Considering a 100 gram serving size of iceberg lettuce, we find that the total amount of calories in lettuce comes out to be about 14. This is not a high number for lettuce, and this is why it is a favorite among people who want to lose weight in a healthy manner. Moving to the romaine lettuce, we find that the calories in romaine lettuce are somewhere about 18 for a regular serving size of 100 grams.

While this is higher than the amount of calories in iceberg lettuce, the difference is not substantial. Therefore, we can easily say that the low amount of calories in lettuce make it as the ideal option for people who want to lose weight in a healthy manner. This notion is further strengthened by the fact that lettuce is considered to be a source of different vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

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Nutrition in Lettuce

Apart from the total calories in lettuce that were just discussed, the amount of nutrition in lettuce is another major factor that needs to be looked at. It has been estimated that lettuce is a good source of water as it comprises of about 90% water by weight. Other than water, it has substantial amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Overall, the question of how many calories in lettuce should be accurately replaced by that of total nutrition in lettuce for health conscious people.

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